

对许多人来说,满足日常需求并不容易. If you have outstanding bills that are past due and are a CARE or FERA customer, you may be 符合条件的 for debt forgiveness through our 欠款管理 付款(AMP)计划. This plan offers 符合条件的 customers help with reducing their past due account balance.



AMP is a 12-month payment plan that forgives 1/12 of a participant's debt after each on-time payment of the current month’s bill. 在12次按时支付当月账单后, the participant's debt will be fully forgiven up to a maximum of $8,000. Enrolled participants are protected from disconnection while participating.


To be 符合条件的 for AMP you must meet all of the following requirements:
  • 登登者必须是当前的可持续发展目标&E住宅客户. 商业客户不符合资格. 
  • 登入者必须参加我们的CARE或FERA计划.
  • Must have been customer for a minimum of six months and had at least one on-time payment in the last two years. 
  • Customers with electric service must have a past due balance of $500 or more, 其中一部分已经过期90天或更久.
  • 纯汽油客户必须有250美元或以上的逾期余额, 其中一部分已经过期90天或更久.




  • 一旦注册, participants must make on-time payments of their current month's bill amount for 12 consecutive months.  
  • AMP will forgive a maximum of $8,000  upon successful completion of the AMP.
  • Eligible customers currently on a different payment arrangement plan to pay off their past due balances may switch to the AMP plan as long as 符合AMP资格要求. 
  • 入学后, customers can participate in Level Pay Plan to make current monthly charges more predictable. 


  • Participants may miss up to two non-sequential payments if the payments are made by the next bill due date with an on-time payment of both the current bill and the past due bill.   
  • 例如, 参与者可以在3月份错过付款,并在4月份补足, 但不能错过3月和4月的付款,并在5月补足.  
  • 错过两次连续付款(e.g. 三月和四月)或三个非连续付款(如.g. 1月,4月和6月)取消您的AMP协议资格.
  • If a customer drops out of AMP before reaching 12 months of on-time payments, 这对已经免除的债务没有影响, 然而, 任何剩余的余额都将到期.   


  • Participants may re-enroll in AMP after completing a 12-month waiting period which begins on the month they ended their previous participation in AMP . 
  • 他们在重新注册时必须符合所有资格标准. 


请审阅并确认你是 符合条件的 查询程序.

Call our dedicated AMP service center at 1-800-411-7343 and one of our AMP specialists will help 符合条件的 customers enroll in the program. 


AMP or 欠款管理 Payment plan is a 12-month payment plan that forgives 1/12 of a participant's debt after each on-time payment of the existing month’s bill. 在12次按时支付当月账单之后, 不超过8美元的债务将被完全免除,000.

是的, your service will not be disconnected for debt enrolled in AMP if you meet the terms and conditions of the plan.

要符合AMP的资格,您必须是当前的可持续发展目标&E住宅客户. You must participate in our CARE or FERA program and you must be a customer for at least six months and had at least one on-time payment in the last 24 months.  


No. 此时只有住宅CARE/FERA客户才有资格. 如果你的公司在支付账单方面有困难, 我们也许可以提供灵活的付款方式. Call our Business Care Center at 1-800-336-7343 for payment arrangements, 节能提示和定价方案选项.



No.  The CPUC is evaluating how AMP will work for NEM accounts; 然而, NEM客户目前不符合资格.  We will communicate to our NEM CARE/FERA customers if the CPUC changes the guidelines to allow NEM customers to participate. 



Customers who purchase electricity through a CCA or ESP may participate in AMP, as long as their electric generation provider is enrolled in the program.  联系你的CCA或ESP,看看他们是否参与.

是的,你有资格. The $100 that is past due 90 days or more qualifies you for the program.  In addition, all $500 of the past due amount is 符合条件的 for forgiveness. The same is true of the $250 balance required if you’re a gas customer. 超过90天或更长时间的任何部分都有资格参加该计划.


No, the plan requires that you have made at least one on-time payment in the last 24 months to be 符合条件的. 

是的. Any new bills issued on or after the AMP enrollment date or date of reinstatement in the plan are in符合条件的 and are your responsibility to pay. Any charges owed to an Energy Service Provider or CCA who is not participating in AMP are also not 符合条件的. Any charges for California Hub for Energy Efficiency 融资 (CHEEF) and On-Bill Repayment (OBR) will not be 符合条件的 for AMP. 

每月按时支付12次当月费用后, 你的AMP债务将被免除高达8美元,000. Please note that any new bills issued on or after the AMP enrollment date or date of reinstatement in the plan are in符合条件的 and are your responsibility to pay.

Customers currently on a payment arrangement may switch to AMP as long as 符合AMP资格要求.  

  • 错过两次连续付款将破坏AMP计划.
  • 您最多可能会错过两次非连续付款, as long as you make up the payment on the next billing due date with an on-time payment of both the current bill and the past-due bill(s).
  • 错过三次非连续付款会破坏计划. 

If you break the AMP plan, you will be removed from AMP and any remaining AMP debt will be due.  

Once you complete AMP, you may reenroll after a 12-month waiting period.  

是的. 如果你打破或没有完成AMP计划, you are 符合条件的 to enroll again after a 12-month waiting period provided eligibility requirements are met.  


Call our dedicated AMP service center at 1-800-411-7343 and one of our AMP specialists will help 符合条件的 customers enroll in the program.
